Do four things well, you can also have a happy workplace

Do four things well, you can also have a happy workplace

Don't let inferiority ruin your life

Don't let inferiority ruin your life

Communicate with experts more and learn to be a leader

Communicate with experts more and learn to be a leader

Refusing To Work Day And Night, The "Silent Resignation" Trend Sweeps The American Workplace

Refusing To Work Day And Night, The "Silent Resignation" Trend Sweeps The American Workplace


Workplace related trends, information and topics


Strategies and skills related to the workplace (resume, job hunting, interview, job-hopping, salary, interpersonal relationship)

Communicate with experts more and learn to be a leader

Communicate with experts more and learn to be a leader

Many enterprises have this phenomenon: although leaders have great power and constantly put forward requirements, plans and strategic objectives, employees are still like a cloud of sand. One reason is that these leaders lack leadership. In psychology, leadership refers to the ability to make full use of human and material resources to improve the efficiency of the team within the scope of jurisdiction. Its essence is "influence", which can lead the team to develop in a coordinated way.

How to Be a Competent and Good Subordinate?

How to Be a Competent and Good Subordinate?

How to be a competent subordinate? When a leader encounters a problem, he should take the initiative to help the leader through it, even though it is not his job, if it is within his ability.

Six Tips To Get You Into Your New Environment Quickly

Six Tips To Get You Into Your New Environment Quickly

Colleagues should be cooperating with each other, not competing with each other as "enemies". If you think of your coworkers as stumbling blocks to your own development, it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold in the office, and of course, it will be even more difficult for you to develop. Remember that mutual benefit is the basic prerequisite for collective acceptance.

How To Be a Good Middleman In The Workplace

How To Be a Good Middleman In The Workplace

Differences in the workplace is a common thing, between supervisors and supervisors, colleagues and colleagues, supervisors and subordinates, it is inevitable that sometimes there will be "incompatible". When the "sandwich cake" situation occurs how should we look at it?

This Is The Right Way To Grow Yourself In The Workplace

This Is The Right Way To Grow Yourself In The Workplace

Self-growth of people in the workplace should be oriented towards the realization of strengths, and action plans should be formulated in conjunction with daily work scenarios, rather than deep analysis of everything. If it is indeed necessary to conduct deep analysis of certain issues, it should also be tailored to the specific issues, with a focus on solving problems and removing constraints, rather than just encouraging growth.

Eight Suggestions for New Professionals

Eight Suggestions for New Professionals

For newcomers, it is very important to play the "first three feet" well to adapt to the new environment and stand firm. As a newcomer, how to quickly integrate into the group, get approval from others and avoid mistakes? An article published on the website of Psychology Today in the United States summarized eight suggestions.


Life perception in the workplace and how to motivate yourself

Don't let inferiority ruin your life

Life is changeable, and adversity will never remain the same. Perhaps today's adversity will lead to future success. Adversity can temper our perseverance and make us think deeply about life. At the same time, we can absorb the experience of failure and easily meet the next challenge. You can smile and tell yourself: "One failure cannot prove all failures. Only by giving up trying can you fail."

Early unemployment is actually a blessing!

If we are able to look into the future, unemployment may become a major turning point in our lives, moving us in a better direction.

There Is No Job That Is Not Aggravating, Every Job Is A Practice

When you stop complaining about your job, that's the beginning of your strength.

Never Consume Yourself With Work

Treating work as an errand, as a form of torture, will only continue to consume you.


How to cope with stress in the workplace, and some anecdotes and jokes related to the workplace

Do four things well, you can also have a happy workplace

Do four things well, you can also have a happy workplace

Working people in the office always feel that they have a lot of troubles. In fact, most of the troubles are self-inflicted. As long as you have a mind and think from a different perspective, it is not difficult to survive, and it can also make you happy.

Find your own "hole in the ground."

Find your own "hole in the ground."

Due to the accelerated pace of life, the bombardment of massive information in the information society, coupled with the sense of burnout in the face of occupation and fatigue in the face of life, people are feeling unprecedented pressure.

Americans throw away their cell phones to meditate

Americans throw away their cell phones to meditate

With the constant development of the Internet and electronic technology, sedentary looking at cell phones and computers is the most common way of office, which leads to the majority of Americans in a sub-healthy state.

Mental Stress Reduction for Men in the Workplace

Mental Stress Reduction for Men in the Workplace

After work, in addition to reading, confiding in, watching TV at home, going out to KTV, sleeping, field trips and chatting on the Internet, what other ways can men in the workplace to reduce stress?

It's Not Really Your Ability That's Keeping You From Doing Well At Work.

It's Not Really Your Ability That's Keeping You From Doing Well At Work.

In fact, many times we are not frustrated because of our lack of ability, but for other reasons.

The root cause of your unhappiness at work is a fantasy

The root cause of your unhappiness at work is a fantasy

Illusion refers to the fact that we expect too much from our work and hold unrealistic fantasies about the actual situation.

How Do You Find Joy In Your Work?

How Do You Find Joy In Your Work?

A third or more of the day is spent at work, but more and more people are getting tired and starting to get bored with their jobs.

Affirm Yourself In Denial

Affirm Yourself In Denial

Treatment of their own "want to quit" idea, need to rationally analyze, do not be emotionally hostage, adhere to the study and put into practice, will eventually get out of burnout, in the workplace to find their own confidence.