
Why Do Leaders Force Out Good Employees And Rehire People Of Average Ability?

  • Oct 16, 2024
Why Do Leaders Force Out Good Employees And Rehire People Of Average Ability?

Recently there is a hot topic, someone asked, if the leader intends to promote you, work ability is not the most important consideration? There are a lot of people say, in the eyes of the leadership, listen to the words is always more important than the ability to work, the leadership think you can, you can not also have to do, think you can not, you just can not do.

This kind of words more or less let a person frustrated, do not say that those who are excellent, but also as good as those who have the ability to general.

But in reality, those who rise to become leaders, although a small number of people rely on the relationship up, there are some of them are mediocre, but most of them are still excellent, why the reality of the situation and the majority of people's perceptions, there is such a big deviation?

The better you are, the more dangerous you are.
Why do leaders want to force away or suppress good employees?
Leaders do not dislike good employees, but do not like to disobey and control the excellent staff. Talent, in any era is a popular group, get the talent to win the world.

Which leader does not want to be under the strong soldiers like clouds? But if these strong soldiers, are proud soldiers, with their own is not the same heart, then the stronger the soldiers, the leadership of the heart the more uneasy na.

Since ancient times, outstanding talents have some common problems, that is, unruly, as if an untamable wild horse, they are only concerned about their own feelings, but often ignored the security needs of the leadership, although fierce, but reckless, is a true reflection of them. If you are the leader, you will promote a disobedient, all day with you to fight against the excellent subordinates?

The "average ability" to the top of the record
Excellent people are forced to go, the ability of the average person but on the throne, this is the sadness of the workplace? This is not the sadness of the workplace, but the reality of the workplace.

The reason why excellent employees are not favored by leaders and fail to get promoted is because of the following two reasons:
First of all, although the excellent staff with the smooth, but not reliable, they are often too high self-esteem, inflated arrogance, it is difficult to become a leader can be trusted, they are like a piece of hot potato for the leadership, with or without, and not, and finally can only be forced or suppressed, so that they left.

Secondly, good employees have limited patience, career development is a marathon race, not a moment to come up with the winners and losers, especially in some of the development of a smooth company, a few years before there is a vacancy in the leadership position, who do not know when the opportunity to appear, some good employees are not willing to calm and wait, working in a company for one or two years, see no opportunity, will inevitably jump out.

This is like a hundred episodes of a serial drama, in the first ninety-five episodes, excellent employees are the protagonist, but the last five episodes he chose to leave, while the original obscure employees, but because of the perseverance, get the opportunity to become the ultimate winner of the whole serial drama.

In addition to the fact that employees of average ability eventually survived the opportunity because they didn't have a better one, a more important point is that because they are of average ability and don't have as many ideas, it's easier for the leaders to take control of them, and they need to rely on the leaders to thrive in the workplace more.

Good people know how to survive
Although there are a lot of leaders who are mediocre, most of those who can be leaders still have something to offer. So why are they able to stand out without being ostracized and suppressed away from their leaders? There are three reasons.

One, the truly capable people are better at hiding their strengths
The real masters, is not going to go around telling others that they are masters, that will only die faster.

Really powerful people, is very good at hiding strength, especially hiding ambition, on the surface so that the leadership think he is a lovely "cat" can work, until the position is stable, the kitten will become a tiger.

Second, the smart people are pretending to be stupid
You think that those who are on the top of the ability to general people? Don't be naive, today I want to tell you, those so-called ability to general people, they are just "playing stupid" only, they are the smart people in the workplace.

Wise people are good at using "stupid" to cover their own wisdom, those who appear to be very stupid people, in fact, are waiting for a great success, they are only in the accumulation of their own energy, rather than expose all their so-called great wisdom and pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger is the meaning of this.

Third, the strong are more cautious
If a good employee does not know how to converge the front, and can not always be clear about who their own boss is, only know the rampage, then it is a rash one, talk about real excellence, that is, we often say, IQ is very high, but the emotional quotient is very low.