
Japanese enterprises use lunch break to hold symposiums

  • Oct 03, 2024
Japanese enterprises use lunch break to hold symposiums

Traditional Japanese enterprises have always taught their employees to "take the company as their home". The president (general manager) of the company is like a parent, and the employees are like brothers and sisters, so as to build a highly united and harmonious working team. However, trust, solidarity and other relationships between people can not be established by talking. To this end, Japanese enterprises try their best to strengthen the communication among employees, so that everyone can be integrated into the work force.

Recently, some enterprises in Japan have begun to popular "lunch break exchange" activities. All departments of the company will arrange their employees to have lunch together, take a foot bath near the company, and talk about their recent feelings at a "talk". In short, let each employee spend their lunch break with everyone to increase the time and opportunities for communication. There are many special service stores for white-collar workers in the central business district of Japan, which provide lunch break beds, lunch break self-study desks, foot bath massage and other services. The store is small but fully functional. Enterprise employees who use lunch break to communicate will pack the lower half of the store together to create their own small space, and the cost will be paid by the company, so that each employee can safely participate in the communication activities.

Xiuyi Nanano is the director of an electrical company. He told the reporter that the company would organize everyone to gather in the coffee shop downstairs at noon every Friday. Everyone can talk freely, and the topic can be changed at will. From work to life, from current affairs to household chores, small talk allows everyone to relax, and also exchange a lot of information to facilitate future work and life, It can even make the two employees who have been in the company for a long time but haven't talked much find that they have common interests with each other, which immediately brings them closer.

Although there are opinions that this is a disguised occupation of employees' private time, there are even opinions that "many employees actually want to be alone during lunch break". However, Japanese workplace psychology experts agree with the "lunch break communication" activity, believing that many troubles and pressures in the workplace actually come from the relationship with the boss and colleagues, as well as the friction in daily life. Everyone's thinking and habits are different. It is easy to exclude each other and form opposition if communication is not enough. The company is like a complex machine. "Lunch break communication" becomes the "lubricating oil" for running in all parts of the machine.